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Cases Lunch Garden

Optimizing your services through feedback

I immediately saw the added value the platform would bring to our customer experience management. Hello Customer isn't just another feedback platform to measure NPS℠. It's a barometer for your company.
Sabine Vanderveken
Marketing Director
Industry Hospitality & Restaurants
Full case study

10 pages

Lunch Garden’s challenges

Lunch Garden is a Belgian self-service restaurant chain created in 1966 and they have been welcoming customers every day in one of their 62 branches. Lunch Garden wants to offer every customer the best possible restaurant experience time after time. They want to listen to their customers and use their feedback to constantly offer the best service to their customers throughout their restaurants.

Their challenges:

  1. Lunch Garden conducted large-scale surveys and used a web client but only for the negative feedback and customer complaints.

  2. Lunch Garden’s managers were a bit reluctant about the implementation of a customer feedback platform.

  3. Lunch Garden received an overall satisfaction score but didn’t know what the number meant exactly and couldn't take action based on it.

We review our practices on a monthly basis. Is the temperature of the meals okay? How about the taste? Do customers like our offering? Did something go wrong with the service? We review these metrics for each Lunch Garden restaurant separately. Afterwards we share the results with our operational department.
Sabine Vanderveken
Marketing Director

Get to know how

✔️ Lunch Garden evolved from tracking scores to really understanding customer feedback thanks to our all-in-one platform.

✔️ Lunch Garden improved its services and the operations of its restaurants thanks to the actionable insights from customer feedback.

✔️ Lunch Garden improved employee engagement by sharing customer feedback with their district managers and restaurant teams.


1966 Founded
50 Years of history
62 Restaurants
300 Employees

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Net Promoter Score, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered U.S. Trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.
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