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Hello Customer
Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for personal data processed through the website and applying to Hello Customer's platform.

Privacy policy for personal data processed through website

6 July 2024

1.    Introduction and scope

This Privacy Statement (the “Statement”) applies to personal data collected via the website www.hellocustomer.com (the “Website”), owned and operated by:

Insider Metrics NV

Visserij 171

B-9000 Ghent

Enterprise Number: 0563.644.135


hereinafter “Hello Customer”, “we” or “us”

Hello Customer deems the protection of privacy of the utmost importance and wishes to enable you – as visitor of its Website – to maintain full control over what happens to your Personal Data and your privacy and to inform you accordingly.

All capitalized terms that are not defined in this Statement shall have the meanings as ascribed to them in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the Processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”).

Your Personal Data and your privacy are protected by Hello Customer in accordance with Belgian and European legislation on the protection of privacy. Please read this Statement very carefully. The following describes not only your rights, but also the way in which you can exercise these rights.

By visiting our Website, disclosing your Personal Data, or accepting this Statement, you acknowledge the manner in which Hello Customer collects and Processes your Personal Data as described in this Statement.

2.    Who Processes your Personal Data and how can you contact us?

Hello Customer is responsible for the Processing of your Personal Data that you provide through the Website and shall act as a Data Controller in respect of your Personal Data processed through the Website.

Hello Customer has appointed a Privacy Officer, whom you can always contact for questions about your privacy and the Processing of your Personal Data. The Privacy Officer can be reached at:

Insider Metrics

Visserij 171

B-9000 Ghent

Email: privacy@hellocustomer.com


3.    What Personal Data are collected and Processed?

Hello Customer Processes different types of Personal Data via its Website, depending on the services you use on the Website. The following Personal Data might be Processed by Hello Customer when visiting the Website:

Contact information

name, company address, email address, phone number

Profession and education

job title, seniority, job role

History and logs

browsing behavior, link source information, referral information, date and time when the Website was visited

Technical information

data from computers or other devices on which you visit the Website, your IP address, browser type


For more information, reference is made to our Cookie Policy.


Where Personal Data of a third party are disclosed via the Website or with a view to visit the Website, the person communicating the Personal Data guarantees that he or she has informed that third party and that he or she has received all necessary consents to communicate the third party's Personal Data via the Website to Hello Customer.

4.    What are the purposes and principles of the Processing of your Personal Data?

The purpose and principles of the Processing of your Personal Data mainly depends on the category of Personal Data concerned. Below you will find an overview of the purpose and principles of the various Personal Data that we Process.

Contact information


Contact information is collected to ensure the proper functioning of the Website and to send e-mails to customers about promotions, products, offers, etc.


Grounds for Processing

legitimate interest and consent

Profession and education


Profession and education data are collected to send e-mails to customers about promotions, products, offers, etc.


Grounds for Processing

legitimate interest and consent

History and logs


History and logs are collected to ensure the proper functioning and the personalization of the Website and analysis.


Grounds for Processing

legitimate interest


Technical information


Technical information is collected to provide personalization of the Website and location based services.


Grounds for Processing

legitimate interest



For more information, reference is made to our Cookie Policy.


Below we describe each applicable Ground for Processing in detail:

Legitimate interest as a legal basis for the lawfulness of Processing is justified with regard to the Personal Data to improve your visitor experience, the Website and Hello Customer’s product and services. The fact that Hello Customer Processes this Personal Data also benefits you as a visitor of the Website. Moreover, such Processing of Personal Data shall not create a risk to the fundamental rights and freedoms of you as a visitor of the Website or any other visitors of the Website.

We ask your consent to Process certain of your Personal Data. The consent you provide is always free, and you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the Processing of Personal Data (i) prior to such withdrawal, (ii) based on a legitimate ground for Processing Personal Data, and (iii) in case of a legitimate interest of the Processing.

The above reasons may not be exhaustive, and Hello Customer may at any time Process your Personal Data for any other legitimate reason. In such cases, Hello Customer will notify you as soon as possible of the reason. Updates of this Statement may constitute such a notification.

5.    Receiving and sharing Personal Data

Hello Customer receives your Personal Data in cases as and when:

  • when you register for events or webinars;
  • when you request information on white papers;
  • when you request a demo meeting;
  • when you visit the Website;
  • when you contact Hello Customer via the Website;

Hello Customer will always share your Personal Data in a minimal way. However, to be able to follow through on your request or action on our Website, Hello Customer may sometimes need to share Personal Data with third parties.

Processors and Subprocessors of Hello Customer always act under the responsibility of Hello Customer. If Hello Customer contracts Processors or Subprocessors, this will always be done in accordance with a Data Processing Agreement that meets the requirements of the GDPR and that protects your Personal Data as well as possible.

Hello Customer may share your Personal Data with third parties, for storing and Processing your Personal Data, responding to your queries, sending content to you, host the Website, and for optimizing our Website, etc.

Your Personal Data may be shared or transferred to the following entities:



Google Analytics

The Personal Data are transferred to optimize the Website.


The Personal Data are transferred to optimize the Website, for customer management and for completing transactions.


The Personal Data are transferred to optimize the Website.


This listing may evolve and shall be updated from time to time.

If you are directed to another application, platform or website through the Website, other terms and conditions and other privacy and cookie policies may apply. You should take into account any such terms and conditions and privacy and cookie policies of such applications, platforms and websites. We encourage you to read these terms and conditions and privacy and cookie policies of the other applications, platforms and websites you visit.

6.    Direct Marketing

Hello Customer may use certain Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. This enables Hello Customer to keep you informed about its products, updates, events, etc. You give your explicit consent for this, but you may at any time withdraw this consent and object to the Processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling, to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing (free of charge).

You shall have the right at any time to object to the Processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing, free of charge, by sending an e-mail to privacy@hellocustomer.com

7.    Transfer of Personal Data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

In principle, Hello Customer does not transfer your Personal Data to countries outside the EEA. It is, however, possible that Hello Customer - through its Processors or Subprocessors - does transfer your Personal Data to countries outside the EEA. In this case, Hello Customer shall only transfer your Personal Data outside the EEA in accordance with applicable law (such as chapter V of the GDPR) (e.g. model contract clauses, binding corporate rules, codes of conduct, adequacy decisions, etc.).

8.    How will my Personal Data be retained?

Hello Customer applies the following retention periods for your Personal Data:

Contact information

Maximum two (2) years after submission of your contact information on our Website, or a longer retention period if and as long as Hello Customer has a legitimate interest or as long as the consent is valid.

Profession and education

Maximum two (2) years after submission of your profession and education data on our Website, or as long as the consent is valid.

History and logs

Maximum two (2) years after submission of the history and logs on our Website, or a longer retention period if and as long as Hello Customer has a legitimate interest.

Technical information

Maximum two (2) years after submission of your technical information on our Website, or a longer retention period if and as long as Hello Customer has a legitimate interest.


For more information, reference is made to our Cookie Policy.


9.    How are my Personal Data safeguarded?

Hello Customer has developed appropriate technical and organizational measures, safeguards and assurances to Process your Personal Data in accordance with applicable Belgian and European regulations, in particular to protect your Personal Data against loss, misuse, or unauthorized alteration. Hello Customer maintains a team of technicians, automated systems, and advanced technologies, such as:

  • Information transfer is protected through TLS 1.2;
  • the servers are held in a Tier 1 data center;
  • having a signed Data Processing Agreement with the hosting provider;
  • reasonable measures are taken by the hosting provider to provide high levels of security


Hello Customer makes all reasonable and appropriate efforts to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Data.

Despite the above measures taken by Hello Customer, you should be aware that there are always risks associated with sending Personal Data over the Internet. The security and protection of your Personal Data can never be fully guaranteed.

10.  What rights do I have?

If and in as far as provided for in the applicable Belgian and European legislation, you have the right:

  1. to receive confirmation as to whether Hello Customer Processes your Personal Data and, where this is the case, to access the Personal Data that Hello Customer Processes;
  2. to corrections by Hello Customer, without undue delay, of any inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data;
  3. to have your Personal Data deleted by Hello Customer;
  4. to obtain your Personal Data and to transfer them to another Controller or Processor;
  5. to obtain a limitation of the Processing of your Personal Data from Hello Customer, to the extent possible subject to applicable Belgian and European regulations;
  6. to receive your Personal Data in a structured, common and machine-readable format;
  7. to prevent the Processing of your Personal Data and the use of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

You may exercise these rights by contacting the Privacy Officer and providing him or her with a copy of your identity card (e.g. no identification number may be visible).

If and to the extent provided for in the applicable Belgian and European legislation, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority should the Processing of your Personal Data violate the applicable regulations. In Belgium, this is the Data Protection Authority (“Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit”) https://www.dataprotectionauthority.be.

11.  Amendments to this Statement

Hello Customer may amend this Statement at any time. The date of the most recent version is shown at the top of the Statement. Amendments are posted on the Website to keep you informed at all times of the information that Hello Customer collects and of how it uses and shares this information.

Amended versions of this Statement take effect ten (10) days after their publication on the Website. Where required they will always be submitted for approval.

12.  Consent for disclosure

You acknowledge that we may disclose your Personal Data if this is required by law, or if Hello Customer determines in good faith that such disclosure is required in order:

  1. to comply with any pending judicial inquiry, judicial order or litigation pertaining to the Website;
  2. to respond to claims against Hello Customer regarding Personal Data that violate any rights of third parties;
  3. to safeguard the rights, property and safety of Hello Customer, its employees, users, and the general public.

Hello Customer may disclose your Personal Data to competent police or judicial authorities or other official government authorities if Hello Customer deems this useful or necessary, in its sole discretion, for the investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement or any other harmful activity, or if Hello Customer reasonably suspects that such activity may expose Hello Customer or you to any liability.

13.  Liability

If Hello Customer has legitimately transmitted your Personal Data to a third party (not being a Processor or Subprocessor), Hello Customer shall not be liable for any unlawful Processing or unlawful use by that third party.

Under no circumstances does Hello Customer accept responsibility for any direct or indirect damage resulting from faulty or unlawful use of the Personal Data by a third party (not being a Processor or Subprocessor).

Hello Customer is also not liable when third parties Process or use your Personal Data illegitimately and Hello Customer has taken the appropriate technical and organizational measures to go against such illegitimate Processing or use.

Hello Customer is in any case only liable for the damage caused by Processing of Personal Data if it did not comply with its specific obligations of GDPR. Hello Customer shall in no event be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential losses or damages.

14.  Applicable law and competence clause

This Statement shall be governed, interpreted, and implemented in accordance with Belgian law, which applies exclusively in the event of any dispute.

The Belgian Courts and the Ghent division within the jurisdiction of Ghent are exclusively competent to decide on any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of this Statement, without prejudice to the consumer’s right to present a dispute before the competent court on the basis of a mandatory statutory provision.

Privacy policy applying to the Hello Customer platform

1.    Introduction and scope

This Privacy Statement (the “Statement”) applies to the products, software and platform (the “Platform”), owned, operated and/or provided by:

Insider Metrics NV

Visserij 171

B-9000 Ghent

Enterprise Number: 0563.644.135


hereinafter “Hello Customer”, “we” or “us”

Hello Customer deems the protection of privacy of the utmost importance and wishes to enable you – as user of its Platform – to maintain full control over what happens to your Personal Data and your privacy and to inform you accordingly.

All capitalized terms that are not defined in this Statement shall have the meanings as ascribed to them in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the Processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”).

Your Personal Data and your privacy are protected by Hello Customer in accordance with Belgian and European legislation on the protection of privacy. Please read this Statement very carefully. The following describes not only your rights, but also the way in which you can exercise these rights.

By using our Platform, disclosing your Personal Data, or accepting this Statement, you acknowledge the manner in which Hello Customer collects and Processes your Personal Data as described in this Statement.

2.   Who Processes your Personal Data and how can you contact us?

Hello Customer shall act as a Data Processor in respect of your Personal Data processed through the Platform. Only for Personal Data relating to history and logs, cookies and technical information, Hello Customer shall act as a Data Controller.

Hello Customer has appointed a Privacy Officer, whom you can always contact for questions about your privacy and the Processing of your Personal Data. The Privacy Officer can be reached at:

Insider Metrics

Visserij 171

B-9000 Ghent

Email: privacy@hellocustomer.com

3.  What Personal Data are collected and Processed?

Hello Customer Processes different types of Personal Data, depending on the services you use on the Platform and as relevant. The following Personal Data might be Processed by Hello Customer when using the Platform:

Contact information (1)

name, address, email address, phone number

Profession and education (1)

Personal data such as employer, company name, etc.

History and logs (2)

browsing behavior, date when the Platform was visited

Personal information (1)

name, e-mail address, phone number, company name

Technical information (2)

data from computers, telephones or other devices on which you use the Platform, your IP address, browser type

Cookies (2)

For more information, reference is made to our Cookie Policy.

  • Hello Customer acts as a Data Controller.
  • Hello Customer acts as a Data Processor.

Where Personal Data of a third party are disclosed via the Platform or with a view to use the Platform, the person communicating the Personal Data guarantees that he or she has informed that third party and that he or she has received all necessary consents to communicate the third party's Personal Data.

4.   What are the purposes and principles of the Processing of your Personal Data?

The purpose and principles of the Processing of your Personal Data mainly depends on the category of Personal Data concerned. Below you will find an overview of the purpose and principles of the various Personal Data that we Process.

Contact information


Contact information is collected for statistical analysis and for linguistic analysis.


Grounds for Processing

Legitimate interest on behalf of Hello Customer’s client who acts as Data Controller.

Personal information


Personal information is collected when the user decides to provide them.


Grounds for Processing

Legitimate interest on behalf of Hello Customer’s client who acts as Data Controller.

Profession and education


Profession and education data are collected when the user decides to provide them.


Grounds for Processing

Legitimate interest on behalf of Hello Customer’s client who acts as Data Controller.

History and logs


History and logs data are collected to ensure the proper functioning of the Platform.


Grounds for Processing

Legitimate interest on behalf of Hello Customer as Data Controller.


Technical information


Technical information is collected to improve the functioning of the Platform.


Grounds for Processing

Legitimate interest on behalf of Hello Customer as Data Controller.



For more information, reference is made to our Cookie Policy.


Below we describe the applicable Ground for Processing in detail:

Legitimate interest as a legal basis for the lawfulness of Processing is justified with regard to the Personal Data to which Hello Customer acts as a Data Controller to improve your user experience, the Platform and Hello Customer’s product and services. The fact that Hello Customer Processes this Personal Data also benefits you as a user of the Platform. Moreover, such Processing of Personal Data shall not create a risk to the fundamental rights and freedoms of you as a user of the Platform or any other users of the Platform.

Legitimate interest as a legal basis for the lawfulness of Processing by is justified with regard to the Personal Data to which Hello Customer acts as a Data Processor and Hello Customer’s client acts as a Data Controller, to improve the products and services of Hello Customer’s clients. The fact that Hello Customer Processes this Personal Data as a Data Processor also benefits the clients of Hello Customer’s clients. Moreover, such Processing of Personal Data shall not create a risk to the fundamental rights and freedoms of you as a user of the Platform or any other users of the Platform.

The above reasons may not be exhaustive, and Hello Customer may at any time Process your Personal Data for any other legitimate reason. In such cases, Hello Customer will notify you as soon as possible of the reason. Updates of this Statement may constitute such a notification.

5.  Receiving and sharing Personal Data

Hello Customer receives your Personal Data in cases as and when:

  • when you use the Platform;
  • when you visit the Platform

Hello Customer will always share your Personal Data in a minimal way. However, to be able to follow through on your request or action on our Platform, Hello Customer may sometimes need to share Personal Data with third parties.

Processors and Subprocessors of Hello Customer always act under the responsibility of Hello Customer. If Hello Customer contracts Processors or Subprocessors, this will always be done in accordance with a Data Processor Agreement that meets the requirements of the GDPR and that protects your Personal Data as well as possible.

Hello Customer may share your Personal Data with third parties, for storing and Processing your Personal Data, responding to your queries, sending content to you, host the Platform, and for optimizing our Platform.

Your Personal Data may be shared or transferred to the following entity:



Microsoft Azure

Hosting the Platform


This list will evolve and will updated from time to time.

If you are directed to another application, platform or website through the Platform, other terms and conditions and other privacy and cookie policies may apply. You should take into account any such terms and conditions and privacy and cookie policies of such applications, platforms and websites. We encourage you to read these terms and conditions and privacy and cookie policies of the other applications, platforms and websites you visit.

6.  Transfer of Personal Data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

In principle, Hello Customer does not transfer your Personal Data to countries outside the EEA. It is, however, possible that Hello Customer - through its Processors or Subprocessors - does transfer your Personal Data to countries outside the EEA. In this case, Hello Customer shall only transfer your Personal Data outside the EEA in accordance with applicable law (such as chapter V of the GDPR) (e.g. model contract clauses, binding corporate rules, codes of conduct, adequacy decisions, etc.).

7.  Profiling based on Personal Data

Hello Customer may use your Personal Data for profiling, this means that your personal data might be processed automatically by Hello Customer based upon the Personal Data you provide to the Data Controller. Below you will find an overview of the purpose, the underlying logic and the expected consequences of the profiling by Hello Customer.


Analytics on feedback

Personal Data used and underlying logic

Data provided by our customer to provide context to the feedback given (e.g. the store that was shopped in or the person that served the end consumer).

Importance and expected consequences

This information is important as it gives context on what the feedback gathered is about.


The profiling executed by Hello Customer does not produce legal effects concerning you, nor does it similarly significantly affect you.


8.  How will my Personal Data be retained?

Hello Customer applies the following retention periods for your Personal Data:

Contact information

Maximum two (2) years after submission of your Personal Data on our Platform, unless otherwise explicitly agreed with the Data Controller in respect of the Personal Data to which Hello Customer acts as Data Processor.

Personal information

Maximum two (2) years after submission of your Personal Data on our Platform, unless otherwise explicitly agreed with the Data Controller in respect of the Personal Data to which Hello Customer acts as Data Processor.

Profession and education

Maximum two (2) years after submission of your Personal Data on our Platform, unless otherwise explicitly agreed with the Data Controller in respect of the Personal Data to which Hello Customer acts as Data Processor.

History and logs

Maximum two (2) years after submission of your Personal Data on our Platform.

Technical information

Maximum two (2) years after submission of your Personal Data on our Platform.


For more information, reference is made to our Cookie Policy.


9.  How are my Personal Data safeguarded?

Hello Customer has developed appropriate technical and organizational measures, safeguards and assurances to Process your Personal Data in accordance with applicable Belgian and European regulations, in particular to protect your Personal Data against loss, misuse, or unauthorized alteration. Hello Customer maintains a team of technicians, automated systems, and advanced technologies, such as:

  • all data at rest are encrypted through transparent data encryption,
  • data in transit are protected through TLS 1.2,
  • Personal Data are masked to ensure that only authorized persons have access,
  • all sensitive processing systems are held in a Tier 1 data center,
  • Personal Data is stored in safe infrastructure of Microsoft Azure SQL Databases,
  • all Microsoft Azure SQL Databases are located in the Netherlands with a failover in Ireland, therefore, never leaving the European Union,
  • Personal Data is encrypted, both in rest (saved in the database) and in transit (during sending to the user) and masked in rest,
  • Personal Data is only accessible by the Controller, more specifically, authorized employees of the Controller, on a need-to-know basis,
  • the Platform utilizes 256-bit SSL for login authentication,
  • all API-calls are authenticated by Microsoft’s API management,
  • only testing code in the development environment with no access to Controller’s data,
  • Processor’s Employee’s hardware is secured by two-factor authentication,
  • use of cloud-based storage solutions to reduce the risk of data theft,
  • an established Data Breach Notification Policy adhered to by all employees of the Processor,
  • employees are granted restricted access to the Controller’s data (only via the Platform) and only after the written permission of the Controller,
  • all activity by Processor’s employees on the Controller’s account is automatically logged,
  • following termination of the agreement, only storing data for a period of 6 months,

Hello Customer makes all reasonable and appropriate efforts to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Data.

Despite the above measures taken by Hello Customer, you should be aware that there are always risks associated with sending Personal Data over the Internet. The security and protection of your Personal Data can never be fully guaranteed.

10.  What rights do I have?

If and in as far as provided for in the applicable Belgian and European legislation, you have the right:

  1. to receive confirmation as to whether Hello Customer Processes your Personal Data and, where this is the case, to access the Personal Data that Hello Customer Processes;
  2. to corrections by Hello Customer, without undue delay, of any inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data;
  3. to have your Personal Data deleted by Hello Customer;
  4. to obtain your Personal Data and to transfer them to another Controller or Processor;
  5. to obtain a limitation of the Processing of your Personal Data from Hello Customer, to the extent possible subject to applicable Belgian and European regulations;
  6. to receive your Personal Data in a structured, common and machine-readable format;
  7. to prevent the Processing of your Personal Data and the use of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

You may exercise these rights by contacting the Privacy Officer and providing him or her with a copy of your identity card (e.g. no identification number may be visible).

If and to the extent provided for in the applicable Belgian and European legislation, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority should the Processing of your Personal Data violate the applicable regulations. In Belgium, this is the Data Protection Authority (“Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit”) https://www.dataprotectionauthority.be.

11.   Amendments to this Statement

Hello Customer may amend this Statement at any time. The date of the most recent version is shown in the top right-hand corner of the Statement. Amendments are posted on the Platform to keep you informed at all times of the information that Hello Customer collects and of how it uses and shares this information.

Amended versions of this Statement take effect ten (10) days after their publication on the Platform. Where required they will always be submitted for approval.

12.  Consent for disclosure

You acknowledge that we may disclose your Personal Data if this is required by law, or if Hello Customer determines in good faith that such disclosure is required in order:

  1. to comply with any pending judicial inquiry, judicial order or litigation pertaining to the Platform;
  2. to respond to claims against Hello Customer regarding Personal Data that violate any rights of third parties;
  3. to safeguard the rights, property and safety of Hello Customer, its employees, users, and the general public.

Hello Customer may disclose your Personal Data to competent police or judicial authorities or other official government authorities if Hello Customer deems this useful or necessary, in its sole discretion, for the investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement or any other harmful activity, or if Hello Customer reasonably suspects that such activity may expose Hello Customer or you to any liability.

13.  Liability

If Hello Customer has legitimately transmitted your Personal Data to a third party (not being a Processor or Subprocessor), Hello Customer shall not be liable for any unlawful Processing or unlawful use by that third party.

Under no circumstances does Hello Customer accept responsibility for any direct or indirect damage resulting from faulty or unlawful use of the Personal Data by a third party (not being a Processor or Subprocessor).

Hello Customer is also not liable when third parties Process or use your Personal Data illegitimately and Hello Customer has taken the appropriate technical and organizational measures to go against such illegitimate Processing or use.

Hello Customer is in any case only liable for the damage caused by Processing of Personal Data if it did not comply with its specific obligations of GDPR. Hello Customer shall in no event be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential losses or damages.

14.  Applicable law and competence clause

This Statement shall be governed, interpreted, and implemented in accordance with Belgian law, which applies exclusively in the event of any dispute.

The Belgian Courts and the Ghent division within the jurisdiction of Ghent are exclusively competent to decide on any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of this Statement, without prejudice to the consumer’s right to present a dispute before the competent court on the basis of a mandatory statutory provision.