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Cases SFR Business

Automating customer feedback analysis to reduce churn

Hello Customer enables us to have a comprehensive view of negative intentions throughout our customers’ lifecycle, detect customers at risk of churn, and identify emerging trends.
Marion France, SFR Business
Head of Operational Efficiency Customer Service

About SFR Business

SFR Business, a major player in the telecommunications industry in France, offers a complete range of telephone, mobile, Internet, cloud computing solutions and services for businesses. In an ultra-competitive sector, it is crucial for SFR Business to listen to its customers.


Their challenges

“Before discovering Hello Customer, we used a semantic analysis solution developed by our survey administrator. We were not satisfied with it, and we disengaged in favor of manual management, which became almost impossible with the volume of data represented by SFR.”

It is an intuitive and functional tool highly appreciated by our business users.
Marion France
Head of Operational Efficiency Customer Service



The Hello Customer solution

SFR Business has four main uses of the Hello Customer platform:

  1. ISAAC analysis to track sentiment evolution by category.
  2. The Feedback tab for processing customer callbacks following a low satisfaction score or negative verbatim.
  3. Analysis of key drivers to identify their priority action plans based on the impact on their satisfaction index (NPS, CES, CSAT).
  4. Implementation of automatic alerts based on target KPIs (satisfaction score, detected category, keywords, etc.) and instant customer callbacks.

Actions and results

Since adopting the tool, SFR has implemented several action plans:

  1. Establishment of a quarterly steering committee to prioritize actions identified by the Hello Customer tool.
  2. Monitoring of a key indicator: the callback rate of dissatisfied customers and its recording in the tool.
  3. Analysis of historical keywords during callbacks.
  4. Monitoring the evolution of sentiments of priority categories and correlations with their business irritants.

“HC has enabled us to industrialize the processing and analysis of our customer feedbacks on day 1 of customer feedback and to have a tool for recording our customer callbacks.”

1987 Founded in 1987
7.000 Over 7.000 employees
Paris Head office
27 millions Customers
2nd French operator

More of our offering

Customer experience management for retail companies

Get to know our customer feedback platform

Connect customer experience to growth

Know what drives or harms your revenue in seconds

Turn feedback into growth

Reach out today and discover how we can help you achieve your business goals.

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© Hello Customer 2025
Net Promoter Score, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered U.S. Trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.
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